Virginia 2022-2023 State Opioid Response Year 5 Annual Report

As Virginia’s evaluation partner for the entirety of the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant, OMNI has collaborated with DBHDS to strategically evaluate the impacts of the grant and use evaluation data to iterate DBHDS’s funding strategy and focus areas for SOR initiatives.

This past year, OMNI led grantee-level logic model and evaluation planning, instrument development, training and technical assistance on data collection, integration of mixed-method evaluation efforts across the behavioral health spectrum, implementation of cross-site and state-level process and outcome evaluation, and analysis and reporting at the state and local level (including meeting federal reporting requirements and publishing the Virginia State Opioid Response Success Stories compilation). This collaborative partnership has enabled Virginia to pursue innovative strategies that are positively impacting outcomes across the continuum of prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery.

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