Suffolk Opioid Abatement Needs Assessment

OMNI conducted a local needs assessment on opioid misuse and strengths and gaps in services across the continuum of care for the City of Suffolk Department of Social Services. The needs assessment will inform the future use of Opioid Settlement Funds.

The project’s initial phase of work included the development of a landscape analysis, an inventory of secondary data sources, and the recruitment of representatives from key sectors across Suffolk to participate in a meeting to build relationships, understand the local context, and guide future primary data collection processes.

The next phase of the work included facilitating the meeting with key representatives, primary data collection through a provider/key representative survey, and key informant interviews with providers and community members with lived experience.

The last phase of the work featured the synthesis of primary and secondary data and the development of the assessment report and executive summary for review and final presentation to the City and key partners.

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