Impact of Employee Assistance Services on Workplace Outcomes: A Colorado State Employee Assistance Program Study
In 2013, OMNI collaborated with the Colorado State Employee Assistance Program (CSEAP) to assess the impact of EAP services on employee mental health and workplace productivity, publishing a comprehensive report on the findings that gained significant recognition within the field. The report underscored that EAP services improved employee mental well-being and improved job performance by reducing absenteeism.
In 2023, CSEAP once again joined forces with OMNI to replicate and build upon the original study. This initiative aimed to gain insights into the utilization of EAP services in the current work landscape, which has seen a notable focus on employees' mental health since the pandemic. This is a critical time to revisit questions that were addressed by previous research to explore changes that may have occurred, investigate any new questions that provide insight into the challenges facing employees today and their access to the EAP in a modern and increasingly flexible workplace environment.
The findings indicate that employees who received EAP services experienced a reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms as compared to those who experienced similar levels of anxiety and depression but did not seek EAP services.