Data Spotlights | Virginia's State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW)
To promote cross-collaboration and help break down data silos, OMNI schedules data presentations at each of the quarterly SEOW meeting. One SEOW member presents to the group on the information they collect, including data collection methods, context, overarching trends, benefits and limitations of the data, and use and external access. OMNI then takes information from these presentations to develop a one-page data spotlight which outlines:
'Data Viz' Gallery Opening
At OMNI, we have several Best Practice Teams that draw on and cultivate the talent of our staff from across our divisions. Our Data Visualization Best Practice Team primarily supports company-wide excellence and innovation in ‘data viz’. For OMNI, good data viz means more than just beautiful graphics, it means clear and easily understood data for a range of audiences and makes data accessible and useable for our clients and their stakeholders.