Virginia Behavioral Health Data Spotlight | Department of Juvenile Justice
Facilitated by OMNI, The Virginia State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) is developing a set of data spotlights to feature behavioral health-related data sources across the state. The goal of the data spotlights is to support Virginia's substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts.
Data Spotlights | Virginia's State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW)
To promote cross-collaboration and help break down data silos, OMNI schedules data presentations at each of the quarterly SEOW meeting. One SEOW member presents to the group on the information they collect, including data collection methods, context, overarching trends, benefits and limitations of the data, and use and external access. OMNI then takes information from these presentations to develop a one-page data spotlight which outlines:
The value of shared learning between clients
Since our founding in 1976, the OMNI Institute has invested in shared learning—the act of working together to achieve a common objective.