Meet an OMNI Staffer | Naomi Randell

Naomi Randell first came to OMNI through the Public Interest Fellowship Program (PIFP) at Colorado College. The program places recent graduates as Fellows through a partnership with Denver-area non-profits in an effort to build the next generation of social sector leaders. 

As a student at Colorado College, Naomi learned she wanted to go into research. 

"As a kid, I wanted to be a teacher, so I could make an impact on students' lives. I grew up in a low socio-economic household, so I knew school could change people's future. At CC, I learned that I can help people not only through direct service like teaching, but also through research and advocating for policy change. While less direct of an impact, I felt that research in the social sciences would allow me to help undo systemic injustices and create wide-spread change." 

At the conclusion of her Fellowship, Naomi was invited to permanently join the team at OMNI this spring as a research associate.

“I’m really excited to expand my research knowledge and skills. I’m working on two projects that are really comprehensive partnerships with our clients; they are big projects and I’m going to be more in the loop as a research associate than I was as a PIFP Fellow.”

Naomi is excited to be more integrated in projects because she sees research as so much more than just an Excel spreadsheet.

“So far in my time at OMNI I’ve learned what research is and what it looks like. It’s not dull or flat, you’re not just burying your head in books. It is really lively. Sure, I enter a lot of data, but I also learned so much about the communities we are working with.”

Connecting with those community partners is particularly important for Naomi because of the community she grew up in.

“Having grown up in a low socio-economic household, it feels good to be working with a population I can relate to, like, I was the population our clients serve. On a professional level it’s been interesting because I bring a specific viewpoint to the table. In my position, I don’t decide big things, but when I see things that are a little amiss, I can bring it up to my supervisors and people have been really receptive to my feedback. It’s important for me to give back to those communities because I was them.”

By staying on at OMNI as a full-time employee, Naomi can continue to give back to those communities. 

“OMNI is the best. I love working here! I love learning and every day is an opportunity to learn and grow and the people are inspiring and make me want to continue on.” 

This summer, Naomi is excited to spend her time outside of work at concerts around the city.

“I’m excited to go, I hadn’t really been to any before moving to Denver. I went to Hozier a few weeks ago, and I’m seeing The Head and the Heart at Red Rocks later in the summer!”



Educational Background


BA, International Political Economy


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